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Re-opening your business post-lockdown
11 May

Re-opening your business post-lockdown

It is fair to say that the Coronavirus Pandemic has completely changed the landscape of how we view cleanliness. Now, in the workplace and when we visit external businesses, sanitising stations, social distancing markers and protective screens are commonplace. Though hygiene and remaining clean have always been crucial, ‘super cleanliness’ has become vital for a business to perform effectively and remain open. Cleaning should now concentrate beneath any surface-level grime that may have previously been the primary focus.

So, how might a business achieve this?

While the government is still touting the ‘stay local’ mantra, the re-opening of external hospitality and non-essential businesses will undoubtedly result in a surge of foot traffic in areas that will have previously locked down for months. This increase in use will only continue to boost footfall with the resumption of indoor hospitality on 17th May.

Here, CL Floor Care has put together a list of crucial recommended steps that re-opening businesses should look at taking:

A thorough risk assessment is required to safeguard customers and staff. The evaluation will need to consider all potential risks and identify how safeguarding of health will occur. The Food Safety Management System must also receive an update for food businesses, with any new procedures in mind.

Business premises will need to be adjusted to facilitate social distancing and include increased access to handwashing/sanitising stations. More intensive cleaning should also occur regularly, with high traffic surfaces like door handles, light switches, floors, and cash registers disinfected on a routine basis (at least twice a day). This frequency should increase if foot traffic increases.

Businesses should check registered waste carriers to ensure that services are running as frequently as required. Waste should be dealt with in a timely manner and not be permitted to build up.

Any items in the business that are considered ‘difficult to clean’ should be removed to make frequent cleaning more manageable.

The above set of principles should also be re-addressed if an individual with COVID-19 accesses the business. This includes the disposal of PPE equipment and the thorough disinfection of areas where the person may have passed through.

Contact Us

As floor cleaning specialist, we offer a range of commercial vacuum cleaners and scrubber dryers that are guaranteed to cut through any dirt build-up that may occur because of a sudden build-up of custom. We have a range of cleaning machines available for hire and purchase and can provide advice on the chemical or machine required.

Contact us today for a quote, and we will arduously meet all of your businesses’ requirements for cleanliness!

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