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05 Jul

Which Pressure Washer Is Right For You?

Pressure cleaners make work easy and also help save time because they clean even the toughest time within a short time. Depending on the size of your project, you may need to use pressure wash instead of using a soapy solution and a brush to scrub.

pressure wash


However, you have to choose the right washer to avoid damage to your surface or even injure yourself. For instance, the type of machine to use on windows is different from what you can use on your stained patios. Here, you’ll learn about pressure washers so that you can get the right one for you.

How do they Work?

Most pressure washers have a pump, a nozzle, and a button to put it on or off. Some even have a reservoir where water is stored and then released on to the required surface at very high pressure. The main advantage of using pressure wash over the garden hose pipes is that you need less water. Ideally, you should direct the washer onto the surface you need to clean. The button near the nozzle helps you to only release the water when necessary.

Which is the Right Pressure Washer?

Whether you choose to hire the machine or to buy your own, several factors have to be considered. For instance, your budget is a great determinant on what type of machine you can buy. Secondly, you have to evaluate the type of work you need to handle within your home or business premises. It is no wonder that most people start by renting out before they buy. Hiring pressure cleaners helps you have a feel of what to expect when you buy yours. Besides, you can always evaluate its performance within your household. But generally, you need to watch out for the amount of water the machine uses, and the pressure at which the water is emitted.

Types of Pressure Washers

  • Electric washers

The electric powered washers are quieter compared to other models and are usually smaller in size making them ideal for small spaces. It is also worth noting that the machines can only be used for small household tasks such as cleaning windows, patios, or vehicles. The mobility of such machines is low because they can only be moved as far as the cord connected to the source of power can go.

  • Gas powered

Gas operated pressure cleaners are the most powerful. The machines clean some of the places that even an electric washer cannot because they eject water in very high pressures. Besides, the gadgets are mobile and can be used anywhere as long as the washer has enough gas reservoir. With this type, you don’t need any other chemical to clean even the dirtiest decks or driveways. However, you should be ready to carry out maintenance on your machine to avoid damages. You also need to be careful so that the pressure from the water does not hurt people, animals, or fragile surfaces.

  • Battery powered

These pressure cleaners are relatively new in the market and are increasingly gaining popularity because of the ease of portability. The machines are also very small compared to other pressure washer and can even fit into very small spaces. However, the battery operated machines has less pressure hence only ideal for small projects.

Getting the right pressure washer for your needs is paramount so that you can get the best from the machine. To choose the right type, you have to consider your budget, size of the project, as well as the amount of dirt to clean. If you get it right, you can save costs and also the time that you could have otherwise used to clean manually.

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