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Hmm…. Walk behind or ride on machines?
20 Feb

Hmm…. Walk behind or ride on machines?

Walk behind or Ride on’s?


Let’s take a look at both options so that even the most challenging of tasks can be completed within a timely fashion.


Ride-On Floor Cleaning Equipment…

If we were going to go for the ride-on sweeper or scrubber dryer it would be because we have a large facility to clean. Ride-on sweepers and scrubbers dryer allow operators to make the most of every shift – covering large areas with as little effort and less time.

Ride-on floor cleaning machines offer a 64 percent increase in productivity vs the walk-behind machines.


And of course another big thing when you look at machines to buy or hire. You look at the cost. Cost of a ride-on vs a walk-behind model can typically be recouped from labor savings in three to six months. If you would like more information on our prices when hiring or buying a cleaning machine. Please feel free to call us and we will be more than happy to help.


Walk-Behind Sweeper or Scrubber…


When looking at a walk behind you can see straight away that they are smaller than your ride on’s.

So If the area that is been maintained is smaller and/or includes narrow spaces, doorways or objects. A walk-behind machine would be the right choice, This sort of machine makes getting into them tight spaces easier. Walk-behind Scrubber dryer or sweeper machines are also better for areas with  ramps. Ride-on floor machines tend to be bulkier and therefore, they are not suited for dealing with cramped locations.  Go to our website for more information on our walk behind machines. We will not disappoint you on the quality and quantity of the equipment we have to offer.

When looking at sizes..

It is very important to take into consideration of the size of area you will be cleaning, as well as the internal capacity.

At CLFloorcare we do offer both ride on and walk behind machines.


If you would like to learn more about what we have to offer on these machines contact a customer service representative today.



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